Gifts-in-kind, also referred to as in-kind donations, is a type of charitable giving in which, instead of giving money to buy needed goods and services, the goods and services themselves are given. In-kind donations are also known as non-cash donations. In the church setting, these donations could be things like a new computer for the church admin, a new soundboard for the worship center, a check-in printer for the children’s ministry, an electrician that fixes a circuit breaker for free, and more!

If you would like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us to let us know.
Examples of In-Kind Donations include:
  • Furniture
  • Building Supplies
  • Computers

Examples of In-kind Service Donations include:
  • A plumber fixes a faucet for free.
  • A handyman fixes a hole in a wall at no cost.
  • A web developer offers to build a new free website.