Weddings at Central

We are thrilled that you are making plans for a church wedding. The Central Baptist Church of Baltimore City loves and believes in holy matrimony because it is a divine institution and the building block of all civilizations. We believe that marriage vows are sacred and that a church wedding is a worship service. Only marriages by God’s design can be performed on this property and officiated by ministers of The Central Baptist Church of Baltimore City unless exceptionally approved by the Senior Pastor. Please let us share the following items with you in keeping with our beliefs and convictions.


As marriage is God’s creation, we will joyfully conduct marriage ceremonies between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18-25). Please see the detailed information below about weddings at Central.


As our mission is to make and multiply Christ-followers, we reserve the right to restrict the use of our facilities to those who are Christ-followers and intend to put God’s glory first in their marriage. We are committed to helping marriages grow strong, and sharing a relationship with the Lord is key to that strength. Therefore we do not “rent for profit.” The deposits and fees required are used to cover the essential cost incurred for the use of our facilities.

In addition, only our Main Sanctuary is currently available for wedding ceremonies. Our Lower Sanctuary, dressing rooms, kitchen, Multi-Purpose Center, and other areas of our facility remains closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


We believe that marriage is a solemn covenant event before the face of Almighty God and consequently, only those men who have been duly examined and commissioned, or have been licensed or ordained by The Central Baptist Church or a like-minded church, will be allowed to officiate weddings on The Central Baptist Church property.


Pre-marital counseling is essential to build a strong foundation for marriage. Consequently, if you desire to be married at Central, you will be required to complete the pre-marital counseling we offer, or in mitigating circumstances, an equivalent counseling course approved by our Senior Pastor.


We may decline to marry you or cancel your wedding if we discover that you have not given a truthful representation of your relationship, your motives, or your Christian ideals. You should be straightforward at the very beginning of our dealings together.

It would help if you gave sufficient advance notice of the wedding date to allow time for the ministerial meeting, premarital counseling, and adequate ceremony preparations.

You may be creative in your ceremony, considering that a wedding is a worship ceremony. All aspects of the tradition should be planned in consultation with the Senior Pastor.

If you are interested in sharing your special day with us, please complete our Wedding Reservation form so we may further discuss your wedding or remarriage plans.